About SDGs

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are international goals that aim to create a sustainable and better world by 2030. People around the world are facing numerous challenges such as poverty, conflict, climate change, and infectious diseases, and it is said that if things continue like this, it will be difficult for us to continue living stably. In response to this sense of crisis, people from all walks of life around the world held discussions and decided on 17 specific goals to resolve the issue. Our company is also actively working on using environmentally friendly materials and guaranteeing the lifestyles of our employees.

B-TEC Co., Ltd. Initiatives for SDGs

B-TEC’s initiatives

Adoption of
environmentally friendly materials
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Recently, materials using biomass PET and recycled PET have been increasingly used when procuring film for sample pouches. In addition, we are further promoting activities to reduce environmental impact, such as by adopting N6-Plus, which reduces the amount of waste disposed of by approximately 50% compared to normal, for the stretch film used to secure products during delivery.
B-TEC Co., Ltd. Initiatives for SDGs
Respect for human rights
and promotion of women’s empowerment
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We have established an in-house harassment consultation desk to create an environment where employees can feel free to discuss their concerns. In addition, we are actively hiring female employees and have set up a short-time line to make it easier for people with small children to work, allowing them to work in a way that suits their lifestyle. We have a track record of male employees taking childcare leave, and we aim to increase the rate of childcare leave taken in the future.
B-TEC Co., Ltd. Initiatives for SDGs
Efficient use of energy
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From 2021, we are conscious of energy conservation by changing all lighting in offices and factories to LED lighting, monitoring demand, and monitoring to prevent excessive increases in electricity consumption.
B-TEC Co., Ltd. Initiatives for SDGs
Employment of people with disabilities
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Our company actively employs people with disabilities. We work with Hello Work, support organizations, special needs schools, and experts to accept on-the-job training, and after joining the company, we also conduct regular meetings with internal and external supporters to help employees settle into the workplace.
B-TEC Co., Ltd. Initiatives for SDGs
Expansion of employee training system
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The quality of our products is based on the high level of awareness and sense of responsibility held by each and every employee. For this reason, we implement a wide range of educational systems, including external training and e-learning.
B-TEC Co., Ltd. Initiatives for SDGs